How To Burn Chin Fat

You probably didn’t know that there are Double Chin Exercises you can do to tighten up your neck and lose that fat. And these double chin exercises are pretty simple and anyone can find the time to work them into their day. Try a few of the facial exercises below to lose the fat and reduce double chin appearance.


You postureYour posture actually has a very significant effect on the appearance of your double chin. By having good posture, you’ll be making your exercises more effective. To improve your posture, stand tall as if invisible strings are gently lifting you by your ribcage or sternum. Or, if you are sitting, sit upright. Keep your head up, but don’t stretch out your neck. Lift your chin a little higher than normal so you feel some pull but it isn’t too tight. If you keep this posture while you do chin exercises, they’ll be more effective.

Tilt Your Head

One exercise you can do easily is to tilt your head while lying down (such as when you’re sleeping). Lie on your side, and as you lay your head down, tilt your head back so your chin is stretched out a little bit. You don’t want to crane your neck back; just tilt your Chin Up and Head back just a little. You should be comfortable enough so you could sleep in this position. Eventually, you’ll train your body to naturally go to this position while you sleep, keeping your throat open and clear while making a difference on your double chin.

Chin Slap

If you’ve seen old movies about making old movies, you’ve probably seen actors and actresses slapping their chins. There’s a good reason for this: it actually works to get rid of a double chin. With the back of your hand, gently and slowly slap underneath your chin. Gradually go faster. Do this exercise several times a day for a few minutes at a time.  This is as simple as face exercises for your chin can get. But sometimes simple is nice!

Neck Stretch

Lift your head from your chest and stretch your head back as far as possible, stretching your neck out. Stretch your head back looking at the ceiling and go as far back as you comfortably can. Keep your mouth slightly opened while you do this so you feel the muscles in your neck stretch and tighten.  These are the platysma muscles of your neck and chin. Hold this position for ten seconds and then bring your head back into its regular position. Repeat this Exercise several times a day until you’re able to do it at least 10 times daily.

Lip Pull

Stand with good posture with your head in its natural position. Push your jaw out and lift your lower lip as high on your face as possible. Hold it in that position for 10 seconds, then relax. You should feel the muscles directly underneath your chin stretch a bit. And you will REALLY feel this in your jaw and jawline! Do this 10 times every day.

Open and Close Your Mouth

Start by standing or sitting upright with good posture. Then tilt your head back as far as possible. With your neck fully stretched back, open and close your mouth repeatedly, but do is slowly. You should feel the muscle in your throat area stretch every time you open or close your mouth. Repeat this several times every time you exercise to get the full benefits.

Chin Pull

To do the chin pull, start off with your body and head in its normal position. Then, raise your chin and pull it upwards as far as it can go. You should feel the facial muscles pulling in your throat and chin. Hold your chin in this stretched position for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat this exercise 10 times, as usual.

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