How To Increase Stamina During Exercise And Effectively Reduce Fat.

One of the best reasons to begin an exercise program is to build stamina. Couple that goal with a plan to lose weight, and it is quite likely that you will be in great shape before long if you execute your plan. Building Stamina will help you in any athletic contest or endeavor, but it will also help you to feel better when you engage in day-to-day activities. The exercises to build stamina and lose weight involve cardiovascular work as well as weight training.

Step 1

Engage in interval training. Go to your local high school or college track and mark off distances of 90, 80, 75 and 70 yards. Sprint these distances in descending order with no more than 15 seconds between sprints. After you finish all four, take a two-minute break and repeat the sprint. Do at least one more double set before you leave the track. This cardiovascular work will burn calories and increase your stamina. Do this three times per week.

Step 2

Play basketball three times per week. Basketball is a demanding sport that requires stamina to stay on the court. You don't have to average 20 points per game, you just have to stay on the court, play defense and give an effort. Doing this will build stamina and help you Lose Weight.

Step 3

Perform leg presses and leg curl exercises that will help you increase stamina, build strength, cut fat and burn calories. This will help you lose weight. Building strength in your legs will also help you when it comes to doing your cardiovascular running because it will make your legs stronger and able to handle a more significant workload. Also work your chest, arms, shoulders, back, abs and buttock muscles. Do this at least twice per week.

Step 4

Swim the freestyle stroke. This is a great workout for all of your muscles, and swimming for at least 25 minutes is an outstanding Stamina-Building Workout. Try to swim one length of the pool--25 yards--in one minute. You don't have to sprint in the pool, but you do have to keep swimming without letting your feet touch the ground. If you need to give yourself a break, do the sidestroke for one minute because it will allow you to rest without putting your feet on the bottom of the pool. Swim at least three times per week to build stamina and lose weight.


Combine your workout with improved eating habits. Stay away from fried foods, junk foods and fast foods. Eat white-meat chicken and fish. Eat two portions of fresh vegetables and two portions of fresh fruit every day.

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