Measuring Belly Circumference: Easy to Calculate Weight

One of the easiest ways to calculate whether you are overweight is by measuring the belly circumference. The abdominal circumference is very easy to measure with a tape measure and gives a good indication of the most dangerous fat you can have: belly fat.

Therefore, it is wise to measure the abdominal circumference and try to lower it too high.

Fat distribution

By measuring the abdominal circumference you can see if you are at risk of health, as you measure the extent of the risky fat mass.

The location of the fat mass is the most important. The relationship between abdominal fat and health risks has been demonstrated in scientific studies.

This is not the subcutaneous fat but the so-called visceral fat. The fat in the organs.

Even if someone according to e.g. The BMI index has a healthy weight, it can have too much belly fat, which causes health risks.

So to check if your health risks run, you can better measure your abdomen.

For more information about the research showing the relationship between abdominal fat and health risks, click here.

Measuring tool for abdominal circumference

There is a handy tool on the market to measure the abdominal circumference easier.

It is a tape measure that suits itself and always exerts the same amount of pressure.

This allows you to measure very accurately because you always measure the abdominal circumference under the same conditions! A great tape measure is the Body Mass Tape Measure and is for sale for only 7 euros!

Measuring belly circumference

Surveying the abdomen is very simple. Take a tape measure and measure halfway through the pelvis edge and the lower rib cage (ie the waistline). Now blow out (do not smuggle) and measure the abdominal circumference. In the instruction video below, it is easily explained

Abdominal circumference table

When you have measured the abdominal circumference, you can see in this table whether you have increased health risks.

Do you want to lose some belly size?

Too much belly fat is very unhealthy! If you are at increased risk, I would definitely take action to do something about your abdomen.

For example, you can start with our free diet schedule. This is a complete weekly schedule designed to reduce your abdominal circumference.

It is recommended that you look at some useful information for you. Please click here

Good luck!


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