Some Weight Loss/Fitness Tips That Are Wrong

Know what’s wrong with your workout plan and correct it right away

With the growing interest in Managing Weight, there are several trends and fads that have come up in the recent past. While some of them can work wonders for your weight loss workout plans, others may only produce temporary results.

There are many weight loss tips out there that can actually be hazardous to you in the long run. Here are a few things that you should stop immediately if your weight loss or lean muscle workout plan includes them:

1. Eliminating fats completely 

There are some fats that are called mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids that you actually need for your body. When you include the right type of fat in your weight loss diet, your metabolism increases making you lose weight. Foods like avocados, nuts and olive oil that are rich in good fat can leave you feeling full and also give your body the fat content that it needs.

2. You only change the food that you eat

The first thing that we do is try to “Eat Clean”. This means that your weight loss diet changes to include healthier foods. This is a good thing but instead of focusing on what you eat, it is necessary to focus on how you eat it. Eat mindfully without any distractions and make sure that you divide your calories through the day to keep the body fueled and the metabolism high.

3. You are too idealistic 

When it comes to weight loss, people tend to become too idealistic. Most workout plans for beginners definitely require you to be consistent in your exercises and also in the way that you manage your diet.

That said, when you put to much pressure on yourself to eat and work out perfectly, the results are actually slower. For instance, if you cannot eliminate sugar from your diet entirely, try to cut back on it and include smaller proportions to satisfy your palate.

4. Your goals are all wrong 

With most weight loss diets and Weight Loss Workout Plans, the first thing that you think of is how many kilos or pounds you are going to lose. As a result, the goals are usually “lose x pounds in x days” Or “drop three sizes” and other similar ones.

Over time, you will see that these goals get increasingly frustrating and will even make you lose the motivation that you felt in the initial period of your weight loss program.

Instead, prepare goals such as eating a bigger portion of vegetables or increasing your running time to be able to measure and assess your progress consistently. With these goals, you have complete control over your weight loss workout plans. These small term goals are easier to achieve and will keep you interested till you actually reach your goals.

5. Comparing your progress with others 

At 98Fit we have often seen people try to follow a certain Lean Muscle Workout Plan or a weight loss diet that worked for someone else. This seems like the only way to manage your weight in some cases. However, when it does not work for you it can be extremely frustrating.

Instead, understand that your body is different and has different needs. Find a plan that will work as per the composition of your body if you intend to achieve any results. When it comes to nutrition especially, you need to ensure that your body is getting the nourishment it needs to avoid health issues.

6. You classify foods as bad and good 

Yes there are bad foods and there are good foods. But the way you classify them matters. If you are eliminating sugar or rice from your weight loss diet completely when it is a part of your staple food, you may experience uncontrollable cravings.

It is also true that too much of a good thing can be a disaster for your body. For instance drinking too much green tea will load your body with caffeine and tannin that are harmful for you in the long run. The better option is to know the complete nutritional profile of a certain food and use that information to create healthy diet and weight loss workout plans.

Poor weight loss plans and habits not only hinder the results that you can achieve but can also lead to an increase in weight over time. It is therefore, necessary to consult experts such as those on our panel at 98Fit before you set out on any weight loss plans. This will help make sure that you are headed in the right direction.

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