The Best Dumbbell Workouts

Best Dumbbell Exercises

There are many exercises you can perform with dumbbells and though many of them are great free weight exercises, there are a number of exercises that fall into the category of functional training. These type of dumbbell exercises mimic our bodies functional movement like squatting, pressing and pulling.

What are the best dumbbell exercises for dumbbell workouts? The list below is a combination of functional movements like the front squat and deadlift with targeted dumbbell exercises like biceps curls and bent row. Each movement on this list is also a great addition to any dumbbell workout routine and make for great dumbbell workouts for women.

Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Stand with your feet hips distance apart and your toes forward. Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing your thighs. Keep your chest broad and your core tight as you bend your knees slightly. Then, bow forward keeping your back flat. Shift your hips back and allow the dumbbells to slide down your legs. Bring the front head of each dumbbell down toward the ground. This is the starting position of a deadlift. To lift the dumbbells back up, keep your back and core tight as you press through your feet to stand up the same way you lowered down. Try 5 sets of 10 repetitions. The weight of the dumbbells can vary but focus on maintaining good form before increasing the weight.

Dumbbell Clean

This dynamic movement using the mechanics of a deadlift plus a jump to bring the dumbbells from the ground to your shoulders.

From the starting position of a deadlift with the front heads of the dumbbells touching the floor, press through your feet and once the dumbbells are past the line of your knees, jump the dumbbells to your shoulders (palms facing each other, pinky finger edge of your palm is facing forward) by squeezing your legs and quickly pulling your elbows under as the dumbbells land on your shoulders in a front rack position. Try 3 sets of 15 repetitions with a light to medium set of dumbbells.

Box Step-Up

This dumbbell exercise is a great exercise for improving your balance as well as your core and leg strength. It’s a great addition to any full body dumbbell circuit workout as well as a stand alone exercise.

To perform this movement, you will need a step or a box that is between 15 and 20 inches or is at a height where when you place a foot on the box, that knee is in line with your hip. Hold onto the dumbbells by your side. Step onto the box with your right foot while keeping your chest up. Then, step down with your left. Alternate each step up through each set. Try 3 sets of 20 repetitions with a light to medium set of dumbbells.

Front Squat

Grab two light dumbbells and bring the dumbbells to your shoulders. In this position, your elbows should point forward in a strong front rack position. Bring your feet into a squat position or about shoulder-distance apart. With your toes turned forward (if mobility allows) and your feet completely flat on the floor, begin to shift your hips back and down into a squat. At the bottom of the squat your chest and elbows should be up and your heels completely flat on the floor. Drive down into your feet to stand. Try 5 sets of 10 repetitions.


With two light dumbbells in either hand, stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Keep your torso tall and your core tight. Step back with your right foot so that as you bring your right foot gently down to the ground, your left knee is stacked above your left ankle. Then, push off your left foot to bring yourself back to standing. Repeat on the second side. Try 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

Bent Row

Stand and hold to dumbbells by your sides. Bend your knees slightly as you bow forward at the hips. Let the dumbbells hand in front of your knees directly under the shoulders. Turn your palms to face your legs. With a flat back and strong core, draw the dumbbells up towards your shoulders as you pull your elbows up toward the ceiling. Then, return the dumbbells back to the starting position. Try 4 sets of 7 repetitions.

Renegade Row

Holding two Light Dumbbells in your hands, come to the top of a push-up or plank position. Separate your feet to about hips distance. Press down through the dumbbells while keeping your core and legs active and strong. Without letting go of the dumbbell, draw your right thumb to the front of your right shoulder to pull dumbbell off of the ground. Place the dumbbell back on the ground and repeat on the left side. Alternate between side for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Biceps Curl

Stand tall with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your core tight and your shoulder relaxed away from your ears. Turn your palms away from your legs. One at a time, draw the dumbbell to the front of your shoulder and then return to the starting position. Alternate between your right and left side for 6 sets of 10 total repetitions.

Bench Press

For this exercise, you will need a bench or box to lie on. Sit on the bench with your feet on the floor. Hold two dumbbells and bring the bottom heads of the dumbbells to your thighs. Lie back and bring the dumbbells to your shoulders with the palms facing toward your knees. Begin to press the dumbbells up toward the ceiling as you keep your shoulder blades pinned to the bench and your feet flat on the floor. Bring the Dumbbells back down to your shoulders to complete the repetition. Try 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

Strict Shoulder Press

Stand tall with a light dumbbell in each hand. Bring the dumbbells to your shoulders with your palms facing each other. Bring your feet to hips distance and keep your core tight and legs strong. Press the dumbbells overhead and finish with your biceps in line with your ears. Try 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

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