What Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

In the past men hit the weights room with the primary aim of bulking up, but today the main fitness goal of many is to “get lean” – namely to strip away the fat in your body to reveal the array of muscles beneath. Think Brad Pitt in Fight Club or Cristiano Ronaldo at any point in the past ten years. Ripped muscles, and not a shred of excess flab.

To achieve this physique there has been an increased focus among trainers and gym-goers alike on Body Fat Percentage, with the ultimate target considered to be single digits. However, even if you’re not aiming for a shredded physique, it’s worth figuring out what your body fat percentage is and whether you need to improve it because it’s a good overall indicator of how healthy you are.

Having a healthy body fat percentage can reduce the risk of numerous medical conditions,” says Dr Luke Powles, a GP at Bupa’s Crossrail Health Centre in London.

“An elevated body fat percentage has proven links to higher cholesterol levels and raised blood pressure, which are both factors that increase the chance of having a stroke or suffering from heart disease. As well as being linked to some types of cancer and diabetes, a higher body fat percentage can cause erectile dysfunction in men.

“It is also important not to have a body fat percentage that is too low – being underweight is linked with a number of health issues as well.”

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