Can I Get A Flat Belly Faster Just By Doing A Cycling Machine Exercise?

An exercise bike, sometimes called a stationary or recumbent bike, is a piece of exercise equipment that allows you to simulate the effects of bicycling in a small, interior space. Like bicycling itself, riding an exercise bike is an aerobic exercise, without the worry over weather conditions. When you get regular aerobic exercise, you can lose fat that has accumulated in your belly.

Exercise Bike Basics

When you get regular aerobic exercise, you burn calories and improve the ability of your heart and lungs to supply your body with oxygen. In addition to allowing you to exercise aerobically in a limited space, exercise bikes allow you to get a workout while minimizing activity-related stress on your joints and back. Some exercise bikes have the same basic layout as a conventional wheeled bicycle, while recumbent or semi-recumbent bikes potentially add to your exercise comfort by allowing you to pedal from a seated position.

Belly Fat

Belly fat describes fat that builds up over time in your abdomen, commonly referred to as your belly or stomach. In addition to fat just below the surface of your abdominal skin, you can carry significant amounts of fat in the spaces that surround your abdominal organs. The presence of large amounts of this deeper fat, called visceral fat, is linked to increased risks for a variety of serious ailments, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancers of the colon and breast, according to Harvard Health Publications.

Losing Fat

You can lose visceral fat relatively quickly when you get regular exercise, says Harvard. Moderate aerobic activity, such as that required when riding a bicycle or an exercise bike, is a key component of a visceral fat-burning program. To get the benefits of your activity, you will need to ride your bike for at least 30 minutes on five days each week for a total of 150 minutes of weekly exercise. To increase the fat-burning capacity of your regular exercise routine, engage in weightlifting or some other form of strength training two or three times each week.

Results and Considerations

Over time, losing roughly 10 to 15 percent of your total body weight can help you lose as much as 30 percent of your current levels of dangerous visceral fat. If you don’t have the time to ride an exercise bike for 30 minutes at a time, you can break your sessions down into smaller segments that work better for your schedule. To see any positive results, you need to combine exercise biking and other physical activities with a healthy, calorie-controlled diet. Consult your doctor as well as a fitness instructor and registered nutritionist if you need help getting started.

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