Weight loss and Boxing

Boxing is based on continuous movement. From dodging and dying to breaking and penetrating your moving body, infinite movements increase your heart rate and burn calories - the key to weight loss. The amount of calories burned depends on the weight, box characteristics and intensity of your training. But people can expect to burn at least 350 calories in an hour boxing.

Qualified coach and personal trainer, Ross O'Donnell said: "Specific levels of boxing to lose weight will allow you to burn more than 600-800 calories in 45 minutes. The upper and lower muscles muscle enhancement improves the muscle mass that changes the normal metabolic rate or increase the caloric velocity of the body: the higher the metabolic rate, the more effective it will be the fat burning system.

Types and Features

Professional book training differs from boxing until weight loss. Vocational training focuses on style, precision and strength, while boxing exercises aim to keep the highest heart rate for optimal fat burning. Exercise or heart rate often involves heating, jumping, jogging, followed by a drill cycle of three to four minutes each time you repeat the movement of the system. Such as stinging crunches, standing or jumping squats and boxing, as a combination of punching or repetition together.

Kickboxing has a lower body movement relative to boxing, so if you are looking for an invigorating skin tone, kickboxing can be a good alternative. If you want a box at home, it's an option to invest in a box box that weighs and holds to simulate an opponent's fear. You can also practice the boxing at home without equipment, even if the mirror is useful to keep the right model to burn more calories.

Who is Better for Boxing?

Boxing is a high intensity of exercise and the use of adequate rest breaks is important to prevent injury and help restore your muscles. If you are a beginner, take a boxing class in your weekly routine to start and increase in the few weeks after increasing your strength and strength.

For three classes of weight loss, weekly aerobics with intercourse will make your body recover well without sacrificing the results. Boxing is especially suitable for persons with lower physical activity. The bottom is the bulk of the movement can be done with only the top. Boxing can also be a source of stress relief for people looking for fear or aggression.

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